Graphic Design MA

The meaning and importance of graphic communication in different spheres of life defines the socially responsible role of students in the Master program Graphic Design in society. Designing messages as part of graphic communication is a separate artistic activity in the field of art. It is an aesthetic expression related to logic, subordinate to the rules and binding experiments. 
The program Graphic Design treats aesthetic and semantic aspects of graphic communication. The artistic – form, style, composition and the semantic in the message are a guarantee for its communication In the design of graphic communication the aesthetic equals the semantic – the graphic message is the unity of artistic and meaningful. 
The program develops the future graphic designers as ‘independent thinkers’ - exploring new opportunities and creating new rules. Unique graphic design is much more than a properly utilized measure. The master program is the phase of creative freedom. It means to go beyond the rules. It supports experimentation – the different, the unconventional, discovery of new rules. It is an open, evolving model of the practically endless possibilities in graphic design.
Master degree holders work as freelance artists, art directors, art editors in the field of publishing, graphic design, advertising and electronic media. Their professionalism and level of education allows them to work as university professors, teachers, managers in cultural institutions, experts in the field of visual arts.
Full-time Lecturers
Assoc. Prof. Dr. ILIYA GRUEV
Part-time Lecturers

