Mural Painting MA

Masters of Mural Painting specialize and build, through their own free choice and creative vision, knowledge and skills to solve specific problems associated with the synthesis of the arts with architecture, urban planning and the environment. Muralists choose their subject or theme and produce a project that they defend through high artistic innovative ideas and skillful implementation. In very important social architectural projects, Masters can lead practical and creative executive teams working on ideas and implementations related to the intervention of wall art in architecture. MA graduates can theoretically motivate their ideas for a particular realization. Graduates with this degree may participate in the higher levels of cultural institutions, as well as be lecturers at universities and colleges.
Masters of Mural Painting complete the training course with a public defense of their thesis. The diploma thesis includes project of murals, mosaics, stained glass or new technology, photographs of implementation on site or fragment of the project implemented in the material at a scale of 1:1.
The author presents the concept and idea of his graduation project, as well as the studies and analysis of architectural and artistic synthesis in a short piece of writing.
Full-time Lecturers
Part-time Lecturers