Sculpture – Shape and Motion MA

Master Degree Program Sculpture - Shape and Motion motivates students to develop as artists with high criterion and analytical thinking, mastering classical forms of expression but at the same time knowing the opportunities that new forms bring. Modern means of expression are of immaterial – ‘virtual’ nature. This feature is a challenge for new plastic and conceptual solutions in the spirit of the high criteria set out in the development of art. We know these forms mainly from the film and ‘gaming’ industry, as well as from architectural visualizations.
During the first two semesters of training Masters of Sculpture – Shape and Motion are trained mainly through traditional activities in the studio, combined with a thorough knowledge of current trends in art. Various artists from Bulgarian and world stage are studied through their presence in contemporary art. Technical options set out in new forms and in their capacity of plastic expression are explored. In the third semester students focus their interests and skills to create and produce their diploma thesis on a chosen topic.
MA graduates have theoretical and practical instruction thanks to which they can hold executive, expertise, managerial positions in production structures, cultural centers and institutions.
Full-time Lecturers
Part-time Lecturers