International project "Blown Glass"


International project BLOWN GLASS
9–14 October 2023
Chengene Skele Culture and Tourist Complex, Burgas
From 9 to 14 of October 2023, the international project "Blown Glass" will be implemented in Chengene Skele Culture and Tourist Complex, where also a kiln for blown glass will be placed. The project has been organised by the Porcelain and Glass Design subdepartment at the National Academy of Art, which in 2023 marks its 50th anniversary.
Participants in the creative processes will be students and teachers from the Lviv National Academy of Arts (Ukraine), the National University of Arts in Bucharest (Romania), the National Academy of Art (Bulgaria) and the artists Ed van Dijk and Harry Baptist (The Netherlands). The project manager is Ch. Asst. Prof. Elizar Milev PhD from the National Academy of Art.
Young artists from Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine will work together with glass under the guidance of their teachers and established artists in the field of glass. The project is focused on exchange of experience between teachers, PhD, MA and BA students. The young colleague Pantaleimon Arnaudov, who practices glass processing in one of the best ateliers in the Czech Republic, will be involved in this activity. It will be his first demonstration in Bulgaria. The other planned activities are demonstrations, historical re-enactments and lectures open to the general public, students and tourists. An exhibition presenting each of the artists in the field of their creative ideas and potential is planned to be held in the exhibition hall of the Chengene Skele Culture and Tourist Complex.
The creative demonstrations within the project are intended to show students and visitors the foundations upon which modern glass has been built: How did the nature of the matter lead to the method of processing and did the difficulties provoke ingenuity? In what way was the imagination of the old craftsmen unlocked in search of function, aesthetics, know-how? The neglected connection of craft – design – art. Historical reenactments will demonstrate known but forgotten knowledge, will reveal the simplicity of logic in the problems, and will provoke curiosity and catalyze ingenuity in students.
Project participants
Ed van Dijk (The Netherlands) – artist; Harry Baptist (The Netherlands) – Ed van Dijk's assistant; Prof. Mihailo Bokotei PhD – professor of glass at the Lviv National Academy of Arts and Director of the Museum of Glass; Vasyl Zaparniuk, Oleksandra Fedosova, and Sofia Kharkovets – students from the Lviv National Academy of Arts; Ioana Stelea PhD – assistant professor of glass at the National University of Arts in Bucharest; Pantaleimon Arnaudov – technologist; Tudor Crisu – student; Andreea Itu – student; Elizar Milev PhD – teacher at the Porcelain and Glass Design subdepartment at the National Academy of Art; Radoslav Stefanov i Gergana Mihaylova from the National Academy of Art, and Lachezar Dochev – doctoral student in the Porcelain and Glass Design subdepartment.
The project is being implemented by the National Academy of Art under the Programme for Scientific, Artistic and Creative Activity of the National Academy of Art for Year 2023, and with the support of Burgas Municipality and of the American Foundation for Bulgaria.

