АзБуквар / IAlphabetPrimer | Project dedicated to 24th May – Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture, and Slavic literature


Each one of us has memories of our first primer and of the wonderful feeling of the first discoverer who finds for himself/herselt a multitude of, sometimes unexpected, but always clear, connections of individual letters with objects, words, concepts. This most logical way for a child to approach the universe of the colourful world around is the theme of this year's project, but redefined through the prism of young artists and their ideas about combining all these components.
In fact, letter and image are a unique tandem, where the mutual interweaving and influences are endless, flowing from one to the other – like a tireless dance that can be enjoyed endlessly. Nourishing the imagination, they are an inexhaustible source of inspired creativity and the occasion for the emergence of many and varied ideas.
The exposition will be presented simultaneously in Sofia and Burgas in central, emblematic places for both cities – on the fence of the southern building of the National Academy of Art in Sofia and the quay wall opposite the building of the Academy's branch in Burgas, where it will be viewed and experienced by many people, who will emotionally connect with the holiday of letters - 24th of May.
The project participants are 3rd-year BA students from the Department of Poster and Visual Communication at the National Academy of Art in Sofia and the Burgas Branch, and their teachers.

