2022.12.22 Bright Christmas Holidays! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023! We wish you good health, inspiration, best of luck, and posit...
2022.12.21 Caligraphy workshop The creative workshop took place on 16th December in Atelier 403 and Atelier 404 in the New Academic Building of the ...
2022.12.20 Validation of postal edition dedicated to 125 years since the birth of Ivan Milev and Ivan Penkov, and 80 years of the Union of Bulgarian Artists On 22 December 2022, the postal edition "125 years since the birth of Ivan Milev and Ivan Penkov, and 80 yea...
2022.12.16 The Department of Sculpture commemorates the 70th birth anniversary of Prof. Emil Mirchev On 21 December 2022, at 12:00pm at the National Academy of Art (North Building, floor 1), the Department of Sculpture...
2022.12.15 Krum Damyanov will be awarded the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa of the National Academy of Art 21 December 2022 (Wed) 3:00 pm, Academia Gallery, National Academy of Art, 1 Shipka Street, Sofia ...
2022.12.15 Invite for participation in a scientific conference organised by the Department of Conservation-Restoration at the National Academy of Art Scientific Conference 50 YEARS OF CONSERVARION-RESTORATION AT THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ART Sofia, 28–29 ...
2022.12.13 Calligraphy Creative Workshop 16 December 2022 (Fri), 1:30pm Atelier 404, New Academic Building, National Academy of Art, 1 Shipka Street, Sofi...
2022.12.07 Happy 8th of December! Dear students, teachers, colleagues, Happy 8th of December! Happy National Students' Day! &nbs...
2022.12.07 The National Academy of Art presented a poster exhibition at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin On 2 December 2022, a poster exhibition 60 YEARS OF BULGARIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE – BERLIN was opened at th...
2022.11.28 Official Time Off announced by the Rector of the National Academy of Art By Order 0296–O of 24 November 2022 of Prof. Iankov, Rector of the National Academy of Art, the days 8th and 9t...