NAA and Societe Generale Expressbank Gave the Annual Awards for the Best Graduation Projects


On July 3, 2015 the National Academy of Art and Societe GeneraleEkspresbank officially opened in the gallery of the UBA, Shipka 6 Street, the annual exhibition of Certified Bachelors of the Academy, 2014/2015.
The annual exhibition of graduate bachelors is one of the most important and prestigious events of the National Academy of Art, not only because of the unique works and projects of students, but also because it is their first encounter with the audience as graduate artists and designers.
The exhibition was opened in the presence of Mr. Dimitar Grozdanov - Board member of the UBA, Prof. Svetoslav Kokalov, Rector of the National Academy, Professor Willie Pierre Abbal - Chief Operating Officer of Societe Generale Expressbank, Mr. Martin Zaimov - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Societe Generale Expressbank, Deans the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Applied Arts, teachers, students and guests.
The Rector of the Academy, Prof. Svetoslav Kokalov, emphasized the important role of Societe Generale Expressbank as an ally in the implementation of several initiatives of the Academy - redeeming first prize of bachelor graduates this year, scholarships for Masters and PhD graduates, support for the team of NAA in the realization of summer creative academies and workshops, as well as support for digital arts festival - DA Fest.
Mr. Willie Pierre Abbal expressed satisfaction and joy of the wonderful projects and works that bachelor graduates showed and underlined the role of NAA in the development of contemporary art.
Mr. Abbal announce the names of students honoured with the annual awards of Societe Generale Expressbank and presented the certificates of the bank.
The Grand Prix (prize redeemed in favor of the collection of Societe General Expressbank) of 1500 lev received Katerina Georgieva Burova, specialty Woodcarving.
Equivalent prizes amounting to 400 lev received:
Gergana Savova Tabakova - Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts;
Martin Emilov Tabakov - Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts;
Tsvetislava Krasimirova Koleva - Design in Advertising, Faculty of Applied Arts;
Raya Teodosieva Rakidzhieva - Textile - Art and Design, Faculty of Applied Arts.
At the official opening of the exhibition of graduates bachelors were announced the names of nominees for participation in the Summer Academy in Bulgarian cultural center Haus Wittgenstein, Vienna. These are:
Martian Tabakov - Sculptures;
Yana Stoycheva - Painting;
Victoria Stamboliyska - Graphics;
Kiril Tsonev - Poster and visual communication;
Raya Rakidzhieva - Textile - Art and Design;
Teodora Raleva - Ceramics;
Krista Vacheva - Scenography;
Christian Baev - Woodcarving;
In reserve - Stanislava Anchova - Metal.

