2015.05.23 The Cyrillic Alphabet is a Living Organism Traditionally, for the past 15 years Poster and Visual Communication Department contributes with various events in th...
2015.05.21 About Letters in the Eight Journal The Eight journal launched a campaign to promote Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet in order to draw attention to our native...
2015.05.16 Sofia Paper Art Fest AMATERAS Foundation presents for the fifth time Sofia Paper Art Fest in the period 7 May - 6 June 2015. In this year&...
2015.04.25 Еssl Art Award Cee 2015 Awards for Creative Achievements Exhibition of nominees in Sofia 28 May – 21 June 2015 with the support o...
2015.04.25 DA Fest 2015 DA Fest is a an international festival organized by the National Academy of Art (NAA), which aims to meet the Bulgari...
2015.04.18 Lecture of Dr. Roberto Nardi Conservation of Prehistoric Stone Sculptures from Monte Prama, Sardinia, Italy Open lecture by Dr. Roberto Nardi ...
2015.03.30 Presenting the publication 120 Years of Bulgarian Applied, Ornamental and Monumental Art March 31 (Tuesday), 17:30 NAA, Academia Gallery, 1 Shipka str. The publication presents an impressiv...
2015.03.21 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Desislava Hristova Represented the National Academy of Art at EIPW 2015 Elam International Printmaking Workshop (EIPW 2015) NAA participated with its representative in Elam I...
2015.01.08 Archeology of the Book and Restoration of Non-Traditional Objects from Paper January 9 (Friday) 2015, 11:30 Academia Gallery At the beginning of 2015 the Slovak restorer Ivan Ga...